Internal Report on UN Support to Local Peace Efforts
Prof. Allard Duuruma submitted ‘An Evaluation of UN Peacekeeping Support to Local Peace Processes in the Central African Republic’ to UN Civil Affairs
In September 2023, Prof. Allard Duursma submitted an internal report to the Civil Affairs Section of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA). The report ‘An Evaluation of UN Peacekeeping Support to Local Peace Processes in the Central African Republic’ demonstrates the effectiveness of UN peacekeeping staff in addressing communal conflicts. The report fits within a broader project in which Prof. Allard Duursma works together with UN Civil Affairs to examine local peace processes between communal groups. Within this project, Prof. Duursma uses both statistical methods and relies on in-depth interviews with UN peacekeeping staff, civil society, and members of communal militias. For the quantitative analysis part of this project, Prof. Duursma relies on internal daily UN Civil Affairs situation-reports that have been provided by the Policy, Evaluation and Training Division (DPET) for the purpose of this project.
Key Takeaways
- MINUSCA has adopted a comprehensive strategy to support inclusive dialogue and reconciliation processes at the local level.
- More than 60 local agreements have been concluded in the Central African Republic since 2014. MINUSCA has provided support to many of these agreements.
- The report shows how UN peacekeeping staff have been successful in empowering local peace actors, ensured implementation of local agreements, and have built bridges between local-level and national-level peace processes.